Kio the Light Keeper

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He's on the Docks on Stowaway's Step. Kio is required in the quest Kio's Papers.

Stowaway's Step Dialogue

Greeting message:

When you stare at the sea too long, it can start to peer back... it's full of [eyes]. So many [eyes]...



The sea warps their eyes... their eyes... do not let them gaze upon you!


Do not look at him! Do not let him see your eyes!

[weird], [crazy], [nuts] and [strange]

I wish it was that simple...

Giving the [Deportation Papers] to Kio during the quest Kio's Papers: so happy. I will leave this place at once... it's cursed here! You'll see! All of you will see! Take this wretched key and be away with you!

Giving the [Deportation Papers] to Kio after finishing the quest Kio's Papers:

You've done this to me already! Why rub it in?

Shivering Step Dialogue

Greeting message:

A torch to carry! You'll scare the frights! You'll need to see, in this light!

Kio will then give the player a Shivering Torch which they will then need to equip in their offhand. The lighting will change to be very dark once you have the Shivering Torch

You will then get a new quest 'Find The Hider'