Player Guide

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In-Game Tutorial Tips


Use WASD or LEFT STICK to move and Spacebar or X to jump.

Hold RIGHT MOUSE or use RIGHT STICK to look around.

Proceed up the stairs. The tutorial begins on the docks.

Be Social!

Left click on a friendly NPC to target them. Press 'H' to greet him.


Press 'i' to open your inventory. You can 'right click and hold' on an item to learn about it. A quick 'right click' will use a consumable, like food. You can use the left mouse button on items to move them around.

Sometimes, reading the info about an item will give you a clue on how to proceed.

Investigating a Quest

After hailing some NPCs they'll have dialogue with green text. You can click on these words in the CHATBOX to progress the conversation. (Or you can type them in manually). You must have the NPC targeted to converse!

Keys and Doors

LEFT CLICK on a door to open it. If it requires a key you'll use it automatically as long as the key is in your inventory. This door should be unlocked.

Turning in Quest Items

Some quests require you to hand an item to an NPC.

To do so, open your inventory (i), LEFT CLICK on an item to pick it up, and drag it over the NPC and LEFT CLICK again to hand it to them.

Saying the right things...

Some NPCs won't immediately give dialog clues. You may have to know what to say to them in order to progress quests.

The guard is waiting for you to tell him you've [registered] yourself on the island. Target him, press ENTER and type "I'm Registered" to get his response. He should give you a key to the door behind him.


A Small Croc has wandered into the path ahead. Make sure you've equipped your weapon in your inventory. LEFT CLICK him to target him, and press Q to begin attacking. You can RIGHT CLICK or press 'C' with an NPC targeted to get a hint about how well you might fare in combat against it and whether it might attack you on sight.

Spells and Skills

If there are spell books or skill books in your inventory, RIGHT CLICK on them to consume them and learn their abilities. Then open up your SPELL BOOK and SKILL BOOK with 'B' to make hotkeys for abilities that you want to use.

Get Paid!

When you win a battle, make sure you RIGHT CLICK on the fallen enemy to take his loot!


This is a shop! They'll buy your treasures and sell you some of their own. RIGHT CLICK on the shopkeeper while standing near him to see his wares

You've done it!

The island and its mysteries are yours to explore! Talk to everyone and see what you can learn. Press 'J' to open your quest journal to see what you should be doing.

Join the discord if you need help!


The Bandit Cave is a great place to test your mettle. It might be a good idea to find a friend around the island to come with you. Type /Players to see who's around to find a friend. Use /whisper PLAYERNAME Let's group! to invite them. Or you can /shout LFG! to see who shows up!

Use the INVITE button above the dialog box to invite a friend to join once they're here.

Set a respawn point!

If you see a Wishing Well anywhere in the world, you can LEFT CLICK on it to toss in some gold. From that point on your soul will be bound to that point, and if you perish in the world you'll respawn at your chosen wishing well.


This is a Forge! You can LEFT CLICK on it to open it, and craft new items. Forges require a FUEL SOURCE (which can be mined), and a MOLD (which can be found or purchased)

Your MOLD will tell you what components are necessary to make a new item if you hold RIGHT CLICK on it to view it's info.


There is a tough monster ahead. You should find some friends to tackle him with, as you may not fare well alone.

Use /whisper PlayerName to ask someone to group (e.g. /whisper Phanty let's duo!)

SWIMMING LESSON: 'W' to move forward. 'SPACE' to surface. Sinking comes naturally.


You've discovered a dungeon! It may be a good time to ask a SimPlayer to join you! (e.g. /whisper SimPlayerName Let's group for this dungeon!)

Groups are important!

TUTORIAL TIP: Grouping is very important! If you have Simulated Players with you, you can give them commands like:

/group wait here, /group follow me,

/group attack that, /group go pull,

/group be careful.

Consider NPCs!

TUTORIAL TIP: Just because it looks scary, doesn't mean you can't talk to it... don't attack everything on sight until you know what it's intentions are with you.

Additional tips

Splitting Stacks

To break a stack of items into a singular one just press Left CTRL+Left-Click on the items. To break a stack of items into 10, Left SHIFT+Left-Click on the items.


Below is a list of the commands available to you:

/players - Get a list of all players in zone.

/time - Get the current game time.

/r - replies to the last player who messaged you with a whisper.

/dance - boogie down

/all players - Get a list of all players in the game.

/shout - Allows you to shout something to all players in zone.

/whisper [player name] - send a private message to said recipient. Typing /w will instantly fill in "/whisper " so make sure to not press spacebar, otherwise it will whisper a blank name instead of what you write after that. If you want to for example whisper Scrubby you would have to type "/wScrubby".

/keyring - allows you to see the collection of keys you have.

/group - sends a message in group chat. In group chat you can give orders to your teammates

Some of the commands have sub-commands to help you communicate with the SimPlayers. You can write any text you want as long as it includes the following codewords (eg "/group Be careful, these enemies are very tightly packed together." instead of just "/group careful"). Adding more flavour is completely up to your own immersion.


  • careful - lowers the pulling radius of the group
  • stop pulling / hold pulls - commands your group to stop pulling entirely
  • aggressive - reverts pulling to normal
  • pull - commands your group to attack the nearest enemy
  • wait - commands your group to not move until a command is given
  • follow - commands your group to follow you
  • mana - requests sim players current mana count


  • group / join / party - asks the SimPlayer if they would like to group, and if they agree they will make their way towards you.
  • come - tells the SimPlayer to come to you
  • where are - asks the SimPlayer where they are
  • doing - asks the SimPlayer what they are doing


  • LFG - asks SimPlayers in the nearby zone if they want to group
  • hello - greets all SimPlayers in the nearby zone
  • goodnight - tells all nearby SimPlayers goodnight