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Erenshor features four classes: Arcanist, Druid, Duelist, and Paladin.


The Arcanist is a magical being, who thrives in cloth armor.

Arcanists command magic of all types and they have many tools to avoid close physical combat.

An Arcanist should focus on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.


The Druid is a master of all things nature - both pleasant and unpleasant.

The Druid can call upon not only the force of life, but he also commands the power of death.

A Druid should focus on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.


The Duelist is a master of offensive combat and is best while using light armor and weapon types.

Duelists thrive on combat. They gain health by dealing damage, and excel at crippling their opponents' abilities.

A Duelist should focus on Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence.


The Paladin is a master of weapon combat and excels at using heavy armor and weapon types.

To sustain in battle, a Paladin can depend on Solunarian Magic of the Day and Night.

A Paladin should focus on Strength, Agility, and Endurance.