Benny Bommby

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Benny is the barkeep in the tavern in Port Azure.

Greeting message:

Not often a traveler comes through. Not with all the goings-on 'round here. It's all a big turn off to folks.



goings-on It's a long list. Sivakayans, the Molorai troublemakers, Goodsoil... the abandonment of all the settlers...


Little town just outside of the Brake. Rumor has it Sivakayans ransacked it. Burnt it right to the ground, even. You seen it? I've only heard...


They're everywhere all of a sudden. Folks keep saying they seen squads of 'em headed here to Port Azure. None to be seen in town though. Makes you wonder if there's some hidden way in... if they're runnin' 'round inside the walls...


Eldoth Molorai's no stranger to town. Showed up a year ago maybe. Brought a shipload of brutes with him. They set up their own camp, rumor has it one of 'em is old Krakengard over on Vitheo's beach. They cause toruble here and there. Old Eldoth is involved in a lot more than meets the eye, I suspect.


Port Azure pulled back all its soldiers. Every last one of 'em. Lots of settlers too stubborn to come too though. Goodsoil paid the price. There's no protection outside of the city now. Folks are on their own. Makes you wonder what we don't know about the Sivakayans...