Azure Guard

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The Azure Guard is the military protection of Port Azure.

in Port Azure:

Greeting message from all the guards in Port Azure:

"Do not cause trouble, citizen. The Azure Guard is entitled to your life."

in Fernalla's Revival Plains:

The guard beside Lieutenant Ulrik's Greeting message:

"What a [tragedy]..."


[tragedy] and [goodsoil]

"The entire town has been destroyed by... by who knows what..."



The Guard Beside the refugees in Fernalla's Revival Plains Greeting message:

"These folks have been through enough. Do not stir trouble."


[goodsoil], [tragedy], [folks], [camp] and [Yarren]

"I'm not authorized to answer any questions."

in Blacksalt Strand:

The Guard by the watchtower:

"This is the territory of Port Azure. You are subject to the city laws beyond if you head into town. Just so you know... the laws are not for your protection - they are for the protection of the city."